Bogart's Eyes is now out on CD!
The CDs have arrived!!
They look really wonderful and I hope you enjoy them. There may be a little Ready Mades badge in there as well as an extra thank you....
“Badges? We ain’t got no badges! We don’t need no badges!"
Big thank you to everyone who has already supported the album, I really appreciate all the kind words. Also my little charity pot for Cancer Research UK and the Royal Navy & Royal Marine Charity is growing nicely!
If anybody else wants one, I have a whole box full, ready and waiting.
The Ready Mades and I have been hard at work on our second album - "Bogart's Eyes", which yes if you have guessed it, is inspired by the Hollywood icon that was Humphrey Bogart.
It is due for release in October.
Sign up to our email subscription and follow our media pages (below) for updates. Also join in on our #dailybogie tweets/instagram posts and post pictures of Bogie.
Use the hashtags #dailybogie and #bogartseyes.
I also did a "Humpday Bogart Special" every Wednesday, where I talked about the album, the idea behind it and the songs, as well as rambling about Bogie in-between.
Click here to see more:
"Humpday Bogart Special"
Big thank you to the Arts Council England
for giving me a National Lottery Project Grant, and thanks to Dawn Firth-Godbehere and Richard Firth-Godbehere for all the hard work that's already going into the next album.